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Refer someone to Grow for Life

Grow for Life accepts referrals from a range of professionals including GPs, social workers, support workers, case workers, counsellors, mental health practitioners and local charities.


Young man with veg basket

“I’ve been really impressed by the impact Grow for Life has had on my patient by greatly boosting his self-esteem.


The practical elements of gardening had a gentle therapeutic effect and the supportive team gave him the confidence to secure a job which previously felt unattainable”


Alex, Local GP

Who is Grow for Life suitable for?


Grow for Life gardening sessions are suitable for adults experiencing low confidence, anxiety, depression or isolation.


Referrals for other conditions and situations will also be reviewed on a case by case basis, including people impacted by bereavement, trauma, a variety of mental health problems and those in recovery from addiction. Please note we are not able to accept referrals for individuals still in active addiction.


Grow for Life accepts referrals for men and women aged 18 and over. There is no upper age limit. Currently gardeners range in age from 18 to 60.

Couple sharing vegetables
Woman Working in Garden

What does a typical Grow for Life session entail?

Gardening sessions are attended by small groups of new gardeners who garden alongside Grow for Life’s friendly horticuluralists and mentor volunteers. The team ensure sessions are fun, informal and safe whilst supervising and encouraging our new gardeners as they learn new horticultural skills.


A typical gardening session lasts three hours with a break in the middle for refreshments. This is an important part of the session when we chat and share, offering a listening ear and encouragement.


Examples of gardening tasks that gardeners are invited to undertake include:


• vegetable, flower and fruit planting, maintenance and harvesting

• seedbed preparation

• pruning

• general garden maintenance

• taking cuttings and potting on plants



Gardeners are encouraged to do tasks that they enjoy and feel able to do before moving on to learn how to undertake new tasks.


Gardeners are encouraged to attend a regular weekly slot. This continuity allows the group of gardeners and Grow for Life team members to get to know each other well over the weeks.

Why refer?


Grow for Life gardening sessions provide a gentle therapeutic intervention for people affected by low confidence, depression, anxiety or isolation.
Grow for Life provides a safe, welcoming and informal environment for our new gardeners to connect with other people, grow in confidence and learn a new skill.
The opportunity for social interaction alongside the benefits of time spent outdoors (or in a greenhouse) performing gentle gardening tasks result in a positive impact on mental health and an improvement in general wellbeing.
The programme also has a significant role in restoring motivation, a sense of purpose and a feeling of belonging. Grow for Life sessions assist in improving social, people and communication skills.
Where possible Grow for Life supports new gardeners to move on to do work-focused gardening work. In fact, Grow for Life gardening sessions routinely act as a catalyst for progressing onto volunteering, work-experience, study, paid work or other meaningful activity. This is because gardeners are empowered with a restored sense of purpose and motivation, whilst equipped with increased confidence, better social and communication skills and improved wellbeing and mental health.


To refer please download and complete a referral form

Email completed forms to


To find out more or to discuss a referral please call 07729906223 or email us at


To download a PDF version of the referral form click here

To see our safeguarding policy click here 

Feel free to contact us for further information

Picking Broccoli
black woman gardening


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© 2024 Grow for Life

Grow for Life is a registered charity in England.

Charity number: 1173914


*Some names have been changed to protect identities*

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