We just want to start by thanking everyone involved in the Apple Day this Autumn.
Thank you to the Duchy for allowing us to hold our community event on their land; thank you to Chris and his 'car-park', we had so many visitors this year.
Thank you to Ted and his helpers for preparing juice in advance of the day and for setting up such a beautifully crafted Apple Press. Thank you to our additional stall holders and their crafts they made in aid of our charity. Thank you to the Band for such great music and creating a very special vibe in the Orchard. Thank you to the staff and volunteers for helping to set up, run the event and also clearing away.
Thank you to those who ran extra tours around our Walled Garden to share with people the work and progress we are making there.
And finally thank you to all those who attended, both regulars and those for the first time, both young and old, you made this a very special event. And a big thank you to all those who baked, providing our visitors with refreshments on the day. We rasied over £800 on the day in the sale of plants,
seeds, cakes, hot drinks and crafts, which is such a serious amount that will go quite some way in the running of our charity.
All those who attended had the opportunity to pick apples, wash, bosh and scrat those apples before having them added to the layered of apple pulp in the press. The fresh apple juice we tasted was like nothing else you can buy. If you purchased our Apple Juice for a donation, please try and make those empty bottles finds their way back to the Walled Garden over the coming months, it all helps the charity.
If you haven't already signed up to our newsletter online, please do so, this way we can communicate the events we will be holding in 2025 with you.